Sunday, June 5, 2011

Daddy Daycare Day 4 6/5/2011

6/2/2011 2 lb 7.2 oz
6/3/2011 2 lb 8.6 oz
6/4/2011 2 lb 6 oz
6/5/2011 2 lb 8.2 oz

Aliyah and I had another opportunity to bond today.  Most of the day was good.  She had one period where her heart rate dropped to 50 (from 150), but most of our Kangaroo Care was good.  Yesterday, the nurse showed me some bumps on her backside.  The concern was potential yeast infection.  To counter that, the they have been using a medicated ointment. 

She also got the hiccups today.  In the mist of beeps and alarms, she would squeak.  Under normal circumstances, I would have thought it was cute, but I must admit I was wondering if it was hurting her breathing.  They lasted for 10 minutes.  It is hard watching her squeak and jump every 2 sec (as if there is anything I can do about hiccups).  In retrospect, I can see how easy it is for parents to over protect and do too much for their children.  It is a natural impulse. 

That being said, I declare before everyone reading this blog, Aliyah will NOT be spoiled :).  I'll have to do everything I can to restrain from doing too much for her as she grows older.  I'm glad my wife is around.  I'm sure she'll keep me in-line.

Looking for a another good report tomorrow.  I won't be able to see her.  I have class after work.

God Bless,
Barry G.

1 comment:

  1. I have a 14 week old that I vowed to never spoil...smh/lol. While some might say she's kind of spoiled, I like to say she's just "extra loved", LOL! I love hearing about Aliyah and her status from day to day. Thank you so much for blogging. The Lord hands His hands on her...she's so amazing! I pray for her daily & I will continue to do so.
