Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Our little Warrior 5/31/2011

I received another good report from Christal today.  Aliyah had a good day.  Her weight is up and she still has her spunk!  I did not get to see her today, but I'm happy to report the Kangaroo Care was better today (yesterday was not pleasant) The CPAP is the 2 little tubes in her nose.  She does NOT like them.  The probes are almost as big as her nostrils.  When she wears them, they also press up against her nose (it looks more like a snout).  I'm being told that it will go back to it's original shape.  Let's all hope so!

She doesn't talk right now, but I do like the fight I see.  Yesterday, you could tell she was not comfortable with the location of the CPAP.  She found a way to wiggle and move it with her hands until it was off!  I like that kind of spunk!  She likes making the nurses earn their money!  It's also interesting watching someone so small have a personality.  She didn't like the situation, and she knows crying won't help.  When left with no other choice, she took the situation into her own hands.

We love you Aliyah.  Thank God also for your prayer warriors!  We love you also!

Barry G.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Aliyah's the Boss...No, Really She IS 05-30-2011

This morning, Barry and I went to the hospital so that I could do Kangaroo Care with Aliyah. As many of you know, this is a way of having skin to skin contact with her. With this style of holding, a mother is able to give the baby body heat and antibodies through her skin. It is also a very good way of bonding between parent and child.

Aliyah decided to take full advantage of the session today. Normally, we arrive at 9am, and I Kangaroo with her until 12pm. Today, Barry and I...and the nurse had an adventure in "Aliyah Land." During Kangaroo Care, I am usually thinking "Wow, I'm a mother...I have a daughter, and she's in my arms." Apparently, Aliyah is thinking, "How can I avoid having this cap on my head and this CPAP in my nose?"

To begin, I pick her up, and sit down with her on my chest, in a recliner, recline and we begin our 3 hours of sitting nestled together. In a moment of silence, bonding and complete serenity, Aliyah breaks the peace by taking the CPAP off of her face, including her cap. Barry and I are now working together to get everything back together so that we can lay peacefully again, but as I am trying to reapply her CPAP, she is fighting me. OUR BABY IS FIGHTING US AND WINNING!!! She is pushing me away with her arms and burying her head into my chest to keep me from reaching her. We finally have to call the nurse in for back up. All the while, I am in disbelief at my child, Barry is trying to remain calm, and the nurse is trying to give my child some air.

We manage to get her CPAP back on and put her in a position to protect her from herself, but there is one more dilemma. Her CPAP doesn't want to stay in her nose. So, now, for the rest of the hour, I am holding the baby with both hands trying to keep her still, and Barry (poor guy...he was trying to study) is behind the recliner with his arms wrapped around me holding the tubing on one side and the CPAP to Aliyah's face. My man the protector. We're sitting and doing all of this work, and Aliyah is fast asleep, completely serene in her own little world. So, Kangaroo Care was cut to 1 hour today. And when we finally got her back safely to bed, she was still trying to pull the new CPAP off of her face. Shaking my head, all I could say is "That's OUR baby, and this is only the beginning."

Aliyah is now 2 lbs 4 oz ! YAYA! PRAISE GOD!!! Lets keep praying!

Aliyah praising God. :)
Christal G.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Reunited and it felt sooooo good! 5/29/2011

Well, today was awesome!  It was the first time in a week Christal has done Kangaroo Care.  It was also the first chance I've had to see the baby's face free of machines and caps since she was born (save the feeding tube)!  The nurse allowed me to take the pictures (See below).  She actually smiled for the camera!!!!  Christal saw her once before when Aliyah pulled out all of our tubing :).  She may be small, but she's stronger than she looks!

The day she was born, the operating doctor passed her off and the personnel immediately began a series of procedures to help her breath.  All my pictures (except for today) have most of her face covered for this reason.

Aliyah is up to 2 lb 2.4 oz.  She's being feed about 2.6 oz a day.  She was on antibiotics to help her fight an infection, but they will discontinue that today.  I'm glad because I hate seeing the catheter in her arm.  That thing is almost as big as her arm is!

Keep up the good work Aliyah.  I know it gets hard sometimes.  You cried out more today than I've heard all the other days put together ;).  We love you!

We continue to be blessed with the encouraging thoughts, prayers, and best wishes.  Thanks so much!

Barry G.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Aliyah to the world: Hello 5/28/2011

Christal and I went to visit Aliyah today.  She is receiving more assistance after her episode yesterday.  She looked good and she seemed to be adapting.  Last night she weighed in at 2 lb 1.9 oz.  This is a good sign.  When she doesn't gain weight, it means her body is burning calories on breathing, digesting, etc.  When she has too work hard (like the day the ventilator was removed) her weight plateaued for a few days.  When she she became strong enough to handle the change, she began to put on more weight.
The previous photos I've posted show her in a snuggie.  Sometimes, she gets skirmy and kicks her foot out of the side.  Today she kicked her foot out twice.  The first time, I slipped back in (my way of tucking her in).  The second time, Aliyah pulled back in right as I was reached in to do it for her.  It was kind of funny.  I guess that was her way of playing pick-a-boo with her foot.  It was cute :).  

We are looking forward to seeing Aliyah tomorrow and getting another good report!

Last but not least, Aliyah wanted to tell everyone hello and let you know she appreciate your prayers!  See the picture below.

God Bless,

Barry G.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Remaining Faithful 5/27/2011

Today was challenging.  The one thing all parents want for their children is a better life than what they had.  Parents naturally want to protect their children in times of difficulty and shield them from those who seek to harm them.  In the case of Aliyah, it is difficult to act on these natural impulses.

Aliyah did not do as well on the respirator today.  The doctor indicated her lung partially collapsed.  Her oxygen level was increased to give her a bit more support.

It was hard for Christal to watch her and hear her crying again.   With the respirator, Aliyah doesn't have as much freedom to move around.  Christal felt bad as she could only look on.  I wasn't there, but I've been thinking about it a lot.  Today was one of the harder ones for us.  However, we are encouraged by her weight gain.  She made the 2 lb mark today!  Aliyah gained 3 oz in one day.

Christal and I continue to stand in agreement that she will be strong and healthy.  We consider today an outlier.  Thank God it has not been the norm.  We look forward to tomorrow and another good report for Aliyah.

God Bless each and everyone of you that have been standing in agreement with us that our little girl will leave the hospital healthy and strong.

Barry G.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

5/26/2011- Peek-a-Boo

On all accounts, Aliyah had a good day today.  Her weight is holding steady at 1 lb 13 oz.  Hopefully, she will put on a little weight tonight.  I was able to see her tonight (Yea).  I would love to say I held her hand, but the reality is I put my pinky in her palm hoping she will grab it.  She was very active during my visit.

I didn't really know exactly what to expect when I got there, but I must admit I was disappointed.  I've never really seen her face without tubes and breathing apparatuses.   I thought today would be my best opportunity for that.  However, she was covered more today than I've seen since she was born.  To hold the respirator in place, they use a cap that covers most of her head.  At least she doesn't have all the tape going across her mouth.

Christal heard her cry a little.  This may have been a first for Christal.  I heard her squeak a little when she was born.  The squeak is what Christal described as well.  Of course it happened during a diaper change.  It is still hard for her to cry because of the feeding tube and the strength of her lungs.  I'm actually looking forward to hearing this more often.  (Remind me of this statement in a few months :)
I tried to add a picture below.  Unfortunately, you see more blankets than baby :).

God Bless,
Barry G.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

5/25/2011- Staying Strong

Last night was the first night for Aliyah off the ventilator.  The nurses reported a few moments where she she struggled, but we all know that is a part of life.  Overcoming challenges is a sign of growth. 

During the first few days after Aliyah was born, the hardest thing to watch was her vitals (specifically her heart rate).  It was very much like a roller coaster.  It would be going along at 150 bpm then drop to 50 bpm.  Simply rotating her from her from her left side to her right side would cause this change.  I'm thankful she did well enough last night and today for the doctors to leave her on the respirator.  That is a blessing and sign of growth.  She also gained weight.  She is up to 1 lb 13 oz.  Aliyah is one day closer to coming home with Christal and I.

I'm proud of you Aliyah.  Keep up the good work!

Barry G.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

5/24/2011- Early Bird

I'm a little early with my post today.  Christal called me this morning with some bad news.  At 10:54 a.m., she told me kangaroo care was suspended the next two days.  The reason: ALIYAH IS OFF THE VENTILATOR!!!!!

This was the best news of the day!  She has a respirator, but she is primarily breathing on her own!  I'm was so happy to get the news.  Christal and I have been praying for her to make this step for a few weeks.

Her weight was also up.  She is at 820 grams (1 lb 12 oz).  Many thanks for the prayers and thoughts.  Aliyah is truly a blessing already!  She has a awesome testimony!  As I write this blog, I'm beginning to realize how important it is.  Aliyah may one day use this blog to encourage someone else!

God Bless,
Barry G.

5/23/2011 Steady she goes

No new commentary today.  Aliyah received a 3 hr. blood transfusion.  This is smaller than the normal transfusion that last 6 - 8 hrs.  She is eating well and her weight was stable: 1 lb 11.2 oz.

Her ventilator setting remained at 12 breathes per minute (same as yesterday).  I didn't get to see her yesterday due to class last night.  I'm not sure if I'll make it to the hospital tonight.

I can't thank everyone enough for your prayers and thoughts.

Barry G.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

5/22/2011- 4 Times the Charm!

Christal and I had a visit with Aliyah this afternoon.  She was doing well.  She was born on 4/25/2011.  Birth weight was 1 lb 4.5 oz.  Last night she weighed in at 1 lb 11.5 oz.  At noon she had a diaper full of poop!  I had a little trouble changing her diaper due to the large amount of poop inside.  I wasn't successful in keeping her bed clean due to the free flow before I could get the new diaper on.

She continues to improve daily on her breathing, but she still needs a little assistance from the ventilator.  It is encouraging to see her need of the ventilator decrease day after day.  God is good.  Thanks for all the prayers!

Barry G.