Friday, June 10, 2011

Doing the butt......6/10/2011

6/7/2011 2 lb 10 oz
6/8/2011 2 lb 12 oz
6/9/2011 2 lb 13.5 oz
6/10/2011 2 lb 13.5 oz

Christal and I went to visit Miss Aliyah this evening.  She was doing just fine.  Christal indicated Aliyah had a good Kangaroo session as well.  Her heart rate dropped briefly, and her vitals were also very good.  The picture below was taken when the nursing staff were changing out her CPAP.  During that time, she was able to breath on her own for 5 min!

Her weight did not increase last night, but that was expected.  When they lower the settings on the ventilator, Aliyah has to work harder to breath.  Since she is working harder, she burns more calories.  I'm expecting a small increase tomorrow for two reasons.  1) She will be stronger.  2) Her feeds increased from 24 mL to 26 mL.

I was caught off guard when I walked into the room.  I looked into the glass shield and my baby's bottom was exposed (sticking straight up in the air).  I was like, "What is going on here!".  Aliyah has a small yeast infection on her bottom, and the nurse wanted to "air it out".  No poop in the bed though!  Christal states she doesn't poop unless her diaper is on.  I beg to differ.  Based on the last blog, she also poops when mom's hand is down there!

I'm on duty the next two days to hold her.  It will be a long day tomorrow.  Christal has her baby shower at 1.  My mother will be in town as well.  I'll have to figure out some way to divide my time between baby, relatives, and homework.  I'm sure I'll figure something out ;).

God bless each and everyone of you!
Barry G.